When you decide to embrace more reo Māori in your daily life, it can feel overwhelming, not knowing where to begin. However, taking small steps and starting with basic phrases is key. If you're raising kids and wish to include more Māori words and expressions, here are ten essential phrases we use every day. Catered toward young children, these phrases can be an excellent starting point. From breakfast preferences to getting dressed, brushing teeth, and more, these phrases will gradually evolve as your children grow. Embrace the power of language by nurturing the use of reo Māori in your everyday life.

Follow the Tamihana family's inspiring journey of reclaiming and revitalising te reo Māori, the life force of Māori culture. Discover the significance of language in shaping Māori identity and the efforts to pass it on to future generations. Learn about the transformative power of bilingualism and the joys of raising unapologetically Māori children.

Discover the importance of respecting and pronouncing students' names correctly. This article provides five reminders for teachers to prioritise addressing students by their original names, highlighting the significance of names in identity and the impact of mispronunciation. Learn how investing a little effort and practising pronunciation can create a respectful and inclusive classroom environment.
Prepare to add a touch of te reo Māori to your card games with our handy collection of words and phrases. Whether you're engaging in friendly banter or celebrating a victory, these expressions will bring an extra level of enjoyment to your game nights. From playful taunts to game-specific vocabulary, impress your whānau with your te reo skills and savour the lively atmosphere. Karawhiua mai te tākarokaro! (Let the fun begin!)
In this article, we delve into a kōrero with Linda from TEACHERLATTE about her socially driven brand and the release of their new Reo Māori Stamp Set in collaboration with Maimoa Creative. Explore the kaupapa (significance) behind TEACHERLATTE, the importance of celebrating indigenous communities, and how these stamps can make a difference in creating culturally safe classrooms.
Immerse yourself in the spirit of play with Kaupapa, an extraordinary board game created by Kura Rēhia in collaboration with Maimoa Creative. Designed to celebrate te reo Māori and cater to all levels of fluency, this game captures the essence of Aotearoa's uniqueness. With sustainable materials and eco-friendly printing, Kaupapa brings people together to enjoy and learn the language. Explore its features and benefits, and purchase your own game today.
Learning te reo Māori as an adult can be challenging, especially for non-Māori on a reclamation journey. In this guide, I share some top tips based on my own experience. First, understand your capacity and make learning fit into your life. Set realistic expectations and be patient with your progress. Nail the basics to build a strong foundation, and be open to unlearning incorrect pronunciations. Embrace mistakes and learn from them. Remember that learning the language is connected to understanding Māori culture and tikanga. Always remind yourself of your "why" and the bigger picture. Finally, acknowledge and embrace the emotions that arise during the reclamation journey.