Toitū Te Tiriti Pins

Person attaches a "Toitū te Tiriti" enamel pin to their dark green dress

Reo Māori Games

Kāri Māori playing cards balancing on a natural hue maori gourd, set against lush ferns in a moody, dark setting.

Cheeky Greeting Cards

Hand poking through a hole holding a greeting card with the text 'You're a top-notch hōhā-hoa' against a pastel purple and beige background.

Vinyl Decals

toitu te tiriti vinyl sticker with water droplets on it on a bright purple background

Maimoa (verb): to cherish, take care of.

Maimoa Creative is a Māori-owned brand based in Tauranga that is passionate about promoting the Māori language and culture through unique designs, products and resources. Our aim is to help normalise the use of te reo Māori in everyday life, empower tangata whenua to be proud of their māoritanga, and support learners on their journey.

Parāoa parai recipe

Try our famous, easy-to-follow recipe that will get you perfect crispy, golden and fluffy results. Tried and tested by thousands with a big tick of approval!

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Parāoa parai recipe
Play Pakiaka
Overhead view of four people's hands reaching into a scattered pile of wooden letter tiles on a table as they engage in a word-forming Māori game.
Overhead view of four people's hands reaching into a scattered pile of wooden letter tiles on a table as they engage in a word-forming Māori game.