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"After 5 years in the making, Aotearoa finally gets its hands on 'Pakiaka', a game that aims to help revitalise te reo in an entertaining way. Astley Nathan has more."
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A proudly Māori and whānau-owned business dedicated to providing meaningful products and content.

Maimoatia Te Reo
Our brand ethos is about celebrating, promoting and normalising te reo Māori and empowering learners.

Supporting Learners
Audio files for most of our products are provided as an additional resource on our website to assist with pronunciation.
Maimoa (verb): to cherish, take care of.
Maimoa Creative is passionate about promoting the Māori language and culture through unique designs, products and resources. We aim to help normalise the use of te reo Māori in everyday life, empower tangata whenua to be proud of their māoritanga, and support learners on their journey.
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