Kāri Māori: A Celebration of Māori Culture Through Thoughtfully Designed Playing Cards

Kāri Māori: A Celebration of Māori Culture Through Thoughtfully Designed Playing Cards

Kāri Māori are a deck of thoughtfully designed playing cards that celebrate our beautiful Māori culture in every aspect. A taonga that is so much more than a deck of cards.

Released during Matariki 2021, Kāri Māori is the result of a collaboration between Maimoa Creative and Konei and their combined desire to release a meaningful taonga in the spirit of Matariki for young and old to enjoy. They are 100% designed and made in Aotearoa​​.

Read more on the project here.

Purchase a pack here.

ARTIST: Jordy Elise
DESIGN: Maimoa Creative
PRINT: Soar Print
DELUXE BOX: Manurewa High School Maker Space

EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS: Aroha Tamihana & Manawawharepu Udy